Sponsors wanted? Find sponsors with Sponsor-Agent
Sponsors wanted

Find Sponsors with Sponsor-Agent

Finding sponsors is mostly a very difficult task and quite often it costs a lot of time and money and the chances for success are doubtful. With Sponsor-Agent you will multiply your chances to find a sponsor. Choose from thousands of contacts out of our database. So you will find those sponsors who`s interests match exactly with your project. This is the basis for a long-term partnership where both parties profit from.

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sport sponsoring
sponsors for motorsport

Sponsors Agent

Find Sponsors
with Sponsor-Agent

You are looking for sponsors for sports, art, culture, events, clubs, science, inventions, charity, etc.?

Our database comprises thousands of sponsors worldwide for all kinds of activity. Find the right sponsors for your project. Multiply your chances of finding sponsors with Sponsor-Agent, the biggest sponsoring database.

Click here for more information.

Find sponsors for your projects

With Sponsors-Agent you are able to address those companies that are interested in a sponsoring of exactly a project like yours. Sponsors have their own ideas, how they want to sponsor. Economic thinking plays a role, as well as personal interests of the responsible people making the decision. All important data for the companies in question is registered in our data bank.
Your data will be checked with our sponsor`s data on a regular basis. Therefore a sponsor profile is created from your data and an offer profile is created. From the sponsors a profile is created as well. These profiles are constantly cross-checked by computer, meaning for each potential sponsor a matching offer is searched for and for each offerer a matching sponsor. With this it is guaranteed, that the right partners find each other making the basis for a permanent partnership possible.
Based on the data cross-check all possible companies receive an offer according to the statement and data you made. Therefore only those companies receive an offer, for whom you are an interesting advertising medium. Therefore unnecessary scatter loss is avoided right away.
When a sponsor signalizes interest, it is agreed on how the contact is desired. Now you receive a note with a contact address and a contact person of the sponsor. Furthermore you receive exact information on the wishes, the sponsor has, for example what amount the sponsor wants to start with and what service he expects. Should the sponsor desire a personal meeting, you may make an appointment right away.
Sponsor Agent

Sponsor Agent




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