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Sponsor Agent


To display this page on the screen again, click on "Instruction" in the header of the registration form.

Make sure all information provided is correct and as detailed as possible. If you cannot answer a question yet, leave the field blank. You can always edit or complete your form at a later stage.

The form is divided into 3 parts:

1. Information about your project
Here all data useful for the potential sponsors is collected. Those data will be send to the potential sponsors as an inquiry.
Instructions for part 1

2. Personal information
Here, enter your name and your contact details (address, email address, etc.). This data is strictly confidential and is only disclosed to registered sponsors who are interested in your project.
Instructions for part 2

3. Payment method
Enter here all relevant data related to the payment of the registration fee, payment method, credit card details, bank transfer, etc. This data is, like all other information, transmitted via a secured, encoded connection.
Instructions for part 3

While filling in the form, you can display an explanation window for each field, by clicking on the question mark. The help window appears on the left side of the chosen field. If the help window is not visible, it means that JavaScript is not activated in your browser. You have to activate this function first. Read the paragraph on technical specifications to see how you can do it.


Sponsor Agent

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